Supporting places where kids can feel a sense of belonging

For over 85 years, the South Coast chapter of BGC (formerly known as Boys & Girls Club) has been helping to provide children and youth with a safe, supportive place to experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships and develop confidence and skills for life. BGC has 11 neighbourhood-based clubs across the Lower Mainland where kids can connect with others and feel a sense of belonging when they aren’t at home or school. BGC staff and volunteers serve as role models and connect with kids through a variety of activities, such as sports homework clubs or creative arts. BGC also offers specialized counselling, family supports, and employment programs.

This year, Central City Foundation provided a substantial grant to help BGC acquire much needed furniture and equipment upgrades for BGC’s Kimount and Kivan Clubs in East Vancouver. Throughout yet another busy summer, staff and volunteers at Kimount were able to serve snacks on a newly-equipped deck where kids enjoyed a new picnic table, new Adirondack chairs and the protective shade of a new sun umbrella. The activity room crafts tables and youth lounge area also received much-needed new seating. Meanwhile, at Kivan the activities room received new games and craft tables where there is now additional space for kids to participate in the many group activities they enjoy at their Club.

Our focus in everything we do is to help kids and youth develop relationship skills, healthy living behaviours, a love of lifelong learning and leadership, because those set them up to live their best life! HUGE thanks to Central City Foundation for believing, like BGC does, in the promise of kids and youth.

Carolyn Tuckwell, President & CEO, BCG, South Coast Chapter