Made possible through a generous grant from Central City Foundation, the Hope Dialogue Radio Show and Podcast is created in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. This show is a weekly one-hour exploration of the topics, issues and complex circumstances challenging low-income neighbourhoods like DTES, others around the lower mainland, and beyond. Our focus is on listening to the voices of people who live and work in these communities, with the belief that conversations like this are how we can begin to make better progress toward solving some of our biggest social problems.

2025 Episodes

Landon Hoyt, Executive Director, Hastings Crossing BIA

Landon Hoyt joins us to talk about how this BIA is doing things differently to make a difference in their low-income urban neighbourhood.

Maura Gowans, Registered Social Worker

Maura Gowans, a social worker and Central City Foundation board member joins us to talk about trauma-informed care and how to better help those who have experienced violence, pain and injustices.

Ash MacLeod, Executive Director, A Better Life Foundation

Ash joins us to talk about community-driven food programs and using food recovery to help make sure more people can be fed.

Norm Leech, Executive Director, Frog’s Hollow Neighbourhood House

Norm visits to help us better understand the idea of decolonization and the potential opportunities it provides.

Sarah Stewart, Executive Director, Aunt Leah’s

Sarah joins Hope Dialogue to talk about how we can better support youth aging out of foster care in British Columbia.

Sean Miles, Director, Binners’ Project

Sean joins Hope Dialogue to help us understand the importance of low-barrier income earning opportunities in neighbourhoods like the DTES.

Tara Taylor, Executive Director, SpencerCreo Foundation

Tara joins us to help explain the role and value of peer-based supportive employment.

Jennifer Johnstone, President & CEO, Central City Foundation

Jennifer joins us to explain why Central City Foundation made a grant to support this show.